

Damage formula:

damage for this card =
(01)    servantAtk
(02)    * npDamageMultiplier
(03)    * {firstCardBonus + [cardDamageValue * max(1 + cardMod, 0)]}
(04)    * classAtkBonus
(05)    * triangleModifier
(06)    * attributeModifier
(07)    * randomModifier
(08)    * 0.23
(09)    * max(1 + atkMod - defMod, 0)
(10)    * criticalModifier
(11)    * extraCardModifier
(12)    * max(1 - specialDefMod, 0)
(13)    * max([1 + powerMod + selfDamageMod + (critDamageMod * isCrit) + (npDamageMod * isNP)], 0.001)
(18)    * max(1 + damageSpecialMod, 0.001)
(14)    * [1 + ((superEffectiveModifier - 1) * isSuperEffective)]
(15)    + dmgPlusAdd
(16)    + selfDmgCutAdd
(17)    + (servantAtk * busterChainMod)

damage = Math.Floor(Math.Max(damage, 0))

Mapping of damage formula terms to buff actions:

Other constants lookup: